
Information regarding the application of a new Decision on specification of goods for which import, export or transit is prescribed to procure specific documents ("RS Official Gazette", No. 49/13)15th July 2013

From the 13th June 2013. began the implementation of a new Decision on specification of goods for which import, export or transit is prescribed to procure specific documents ("RS Official Gazette", No. 49/13- hereafter: New decision)

Certain goods listed in Annex 5A of the previous Decision on specification of goods for which import, export or transit is prescribed to procure specific documents ("RS Official Gazette", No. 58/11-u hereinafter: Previous decision), 13 June 2013. was passed in Appendix 6 new decisions.

For the goods listed in Annex 5A of Previous decisions (that is from 13 June 2013. Listed in Appendix 6 of New decisions), and for which is from 13th June 2013. issued certificate of conformity (or Extract from the register of issued certificates) in accordance with the Article 10 of the Regulations on Electromagnetic Compatibility ("RS Official Gazette", No. 13/10), and in accordance with the Article 11 of the Regulations on Electrical Equipment Designed for use within certain voltage limits ("RS Official Gazette", No. 13/10) it is not required to obtain a Certificate of Conformity issued by the Republic Agency for Electronic Communications or from other designated body for conformity assessment of radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment in accordance with Article 18 Regulation on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment ("RS Official Gazette", No. 11/12) .

Validity of Certificates of conformity is three years.

For all goods that are listed in the Appendix 6 of the New decision, or for obtaining of  a legal opinion on whether for import of goods is necessary to obtain the corresponding certificate of conformity, the competent authority is the Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Trade and telecommunications.

This notice is based on a legal opinion from the Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications number: 345-01-410/2013-07 of 24 June 2013. which is, in the form of instructions for dealing with imported goods from Annex 6 of the New decisions, submitted to the Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance and Economy.

Belgrade, 15 July 2013.